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Paperback $10.36
Astrology for the Light Side of the Brain
By Kim Rogers-Gallagher

"Think of astrology as telling us about different parts of ourselves... And you have a taste of the magic Kim Rogers-Gallagher paints in this wonderfully humorous book." ---Midwest Book Review
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Additional Selections

Astrology for the Light Side of the Future
Kim Rogers-Gallagher/Paperback/1998
$11.96 Order

The Astrologer's Handbook
Julia Parker/Paperback/1995
$9.60 Order

Astrology: A Cosmic Science
Isabel M. Hickey/Paperback/1992
$11.96 Order

“She believed that astrology without a spiritual connection was hollow. You had to love the person you were reading a chart for. She felt the astrological chart was like a road map that people could use, but it was necessary to see the spiritual principles that were underlying it. She once stated that during a conversation that if you were looking down at the chart and not into the person’s eyes, you were probably not a good astrologer. It was necessary to operate from a caring and loving space in order to be effective when dealing with peoples’ lives.”
--Joe Crinita, of pioneering astrologer Isabel Hickey.(from Stephen Arroyo’s Exploring Jupiter: The Astrological Key to Progress, Prosperity & Potential.

Astrology: What's Really in the Stars
J.V. Stewart/Hardcover/1996
$13.97 Order

Astrology for Initiates: Astrological Secrets of the Western Mystery Tradition
Papus, J. Lee Lehman (Translator)/Paperback/1996
$12.76 Order

The French physician Papus (Gerard Encausse, 1865-1916) is best known to English speaking readers for his work The Tarot of the Bohemians. He lived during an exciting period when mystery traditions and esoteric research were at an all-time high in Europe. Involved in many secret societies, Papus was in an ideal position to synthesize these influences into his astrological and esoteric work. One of his mentors was Francois Charles Berlet, who was involved in the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor as well as being the premier French astrologer. Papus was also influenced by Thomas Burgoyne, author of The Light of Egypt, the book that explained the principles of the Hermetic Brotherhood’s practices. Papus, in turn , was the publisher of the review L’Initiation, which was an outlet for other well-known writers of the day--Eliphas Levi, Ely Star, and C. Flammarion. By borrowing from Burgoyne and the Continental astrological tradition, Papus produced a work that provides fresh insights to the English-speaking astrological tradition. J. Lee Lehman’s introduction places Papus in an historical perspective and explains his influence in late 19th and early 20th century France. In translating this work from the French, Dr. Lehman has maintained the integrity of the originala while adding explanatory notes and supplemental information, providing English-speaking students of astrology or the Western Mystery Tradition with an important sourcework.

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